lördag, mars 06, 2010

Makes Me Think

"Today in downtown San Diego, I watched a blue collar Mexican man get harassed for being Mexican. It was a blatant act of discrimination. And the man actually began crying. As he left the office building, he took off his jacket. His t-shirt underneath read, "I love the USA!" MMT

"Today, I was traveling in Kenya and I met a refugee from Zimbabwe. He said he hadn't eaten anything in over 3 days and looked extremely skinny and unhealthy. Then my friend offered him the rest of the sandwich he was eating. The first thing the man said was, "We can share it." MMT

Today, I asked my 6 year old son what he wants to be when he grows up. He said, "Mommy, all I want to be is happy." MMT

Today, my father told me, "Just go for it and give it a try! You don't have to be a professional to build a successful product. Amateurs started Google and Apple. Professionals built the Titanic." MMT

"Today, I put 2 hours worth of coins into a Chicago street parking meter on my way into a business meeting. The meeting lasted nearly 4 hours. I expected to see a $120 parking ticket on my car when I returned, but instead the meter read '27 minutes remaining.' Someone paid my meter for me." MMT

"Today I was approached by a homeless man who asked if I had any change. I only had two dimes, but I gave it to him anyway. As I watched him walk away, he put the dimes in an expired parking meter of a strangers car." MMT

"Today I got on a bus with my grandfather. It was full with only one seat left. I told my grandfather to take it, which he refused to do, insisting I take it. After a bit I gave in and took the seat. In jest, I said "Your legs are older than mine!" "Yes," he said, "But yours have further to go." MMT

"Today, my best friend of 6 years was put in the hospital for attempting suicide. She's always listened to my stupid, petty problems and asked me how I was feeling. But I never ever asked her how she was feeling because she always seemed so happy." MMT

"Today, I went to my 10 year high school reunion. Our prom king is now an overweight bartender. Our prom queen is a recent divorcee with 3 kids. I used to idolize these people. Now I just feel sorry for them." MMT

"Today, my boss sat me down in his office to talk to me about my performance at work. He gave me some of the most sincere compliments I have ever received. It made me realize that all of the years I spent in high school being made fun of and not being one of the popular kids really didn't matter." MMT

"Today, my coworkers laughed at me when I told them my dream was to own my own bakery. When I told my father what happened, he said, “I've known a few people who went after their dreams. One thing they all had in common was they got laughed at in the process.” MMT

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